More funding, more vet and vet technologist training won’t fix problem overnight, warns the AVMA By James Snell, Alberta Farmer Express There’s a major shortage of veterinary professionals in Alberta causing long wait times for routine livestock medical procedures. Introducing The Bovine — ABP’s inaugural podcast There are more than 840 veterinarian and veterinary technologist vacancies in Alberta…
In 2018, Dr. Pat Burrage sold his veterinarian practice in Bluffton, Alberta to a young vet, thinking he would have a lot more time to spend with his family. He also thought he would find more time to talk to the Angus Cross and Longhorn herds on his farm just west of the central Alberta…
This spring, the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABVMA), in association with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry announced the release of a new documentary. Raised With Care: Stewards of the Land looks at the issue of antimicrobial resistance, and the importance of stewardship from producers, farmers, government, and veterinarians. “Antimicrobial resistance can or will impact all of…
The Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABVMA) is pleased to announce the release of a new documentary called Raised With Care: Stewards of the Land Even before the global spread of a deadly virus had profound effects on businesses, schools, and entire economies, scientists had already sounded the alarm about another potentially catastrophic global public health crisis:…
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