Following a successful Annual General Meeting, Alberta Beef Producers is pleased to announce the 2023 Board of Directors: Back (L to R): Brad Dubeau (General Manager), Gary These, Lee Irvine, Doug Roxburgh, George L’Heureux, Kent Holowath, and Nanita Blomquist. Front (L to R): Miles Wowk, Sheila Hillmer (Vice Chair), Brodie Haugan (Chair), Fred Lozeman (Finance…
Following a successful Annual General Meeting (AGM), Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) is pleased to announce the 2023 Board of Directors: Back (L to R): Brad Dubeau (General Manager), Gary These, Lee Irvine, Doug Roxburgh, George L’Heureux, Kent Holowath, and Nanita Blomquist. Front (L to R): Miles Wowk, Sheila Hillmer (Vice Chair), Brodie Haugan (Chair), Fred…
Alberta Beef Producers delegate and director Sheila Hillmer is joining the Executive as the new Vice Chair. Hillmer, who farms and ranches with her family near Del Bonita and sits as an ABP delegate for the Southwest Zone, will serve as Vice Chair for the remainder of the 2022-2023 term. “We are excited to see…
Alberta Beef Producers’ Board of Directors has appointed Sheila Hillmer to the Executive as Vice Chair for the remainder of the 2022-2023 term. “We are excited to see Sheila join the Executive,” said Melanie Wowk, ABP Chair. “She brings a wealth of knowledge, and perhaps even more importantly, an incredible passion for the agriculture industry.”…
Every year, we send the call out for delegate nominations, asking Alberta beef producers to apply to represent producers in their zone, and communicate with those producers and their fellow delegates. Becoming a delegate is a great way to provide leadership to the beef industry, expand personal and professional networks, and stay informed on topics…
The Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) 2019-20 Plan identified, the improvement of communications with producers and the public through an enhanced communications strategy with robust measurements of engagement and effectiveness, as one of six strategic objectives. Communication and engagement with Alberta’s cattle producers and beef industry stakeholders has been an ongoing priority for ABP that requires…
Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) 46th Annual General Meeting took place this week with the delegate body meeting virtually to review the organization’s strategic direction and debate resolutions. Delegates heard updates on ABP’s priority areas and voted on resolutions brought forward from producer meetings held at the end of last year. Presentations were made by ABP…
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