With the ever-changing summer weather in Alberta, producers need to be on the lookout for anthrax. Typically appearing during periods of hot, dry weather following wet conditions, anthrax is a rapid and fatal disease caused by bacteria in soil. A few isolated cases of anthrax occur almost every year in Western Canada. Animals contract the…
Looking through the windshield of a vet truck At Veterinary Agri-Health Services, we start every fall run with the notion, “It’s going to be interesting!” With drought plaguing the prairies and $9 barley, this year is guaranteed to exceed expectations. Nevertheless, calves are steadily making their way into the yards and many of us are…
Manitoba Beef and Forage Initiatives (MBFI) hosted a webinar in early November, and it’s now available to watch at any time. Here’s the description, followed by the video, from MBFI: Cover crops have the potential to bestow numerous agronomic, environmental, and economic benefits on Prairie farms. Despite this, they are often viewed with skepticism by…
Test stock water and reduce worry By Beef Cattle Research Council When stock water appears abundant and water quality has been consistent in previous years, it’s easy to focus on other things — but don’t overlook water testing. Poor-quality stock water can lead to reproductive inefficiency, poor gains, disease and in extreme circumstances, death. Even when water…
The Western Canadian Animal Health Network (WeCAHN) recently held the third quarterly meeting of the beef network discussing animal health events and data from the beef sector during the period October-December 2020. Highlights included an update on the investigation into the Anaplasmosis outbreak in Manitoba last fall, as well as recent Bovine Leucosis Virus testing….
Finally! Ag-tech advancements capitalizing on GPS technology will soon appear in a pasture near you. After watching crop production technology advance for years, the livestock sector is about to see some fresh high-tech products that make herd management easier through location tracking, virtual fencing, and data collection. The potential possibilities are exciting. From pasture rotation…
Since December 1, 2018, a prescription has been required to purchase any medically important antibiotic for use in cattle. This meant that some medications, such as tetracycline, were no longer available over the counter at local farm supply stores. As with any new regulation change, this has caused some confusion in various situations for producers….
Sure, a lot of ranch work really is pandemic friendly, like feeding cows, baling hay, fixing machinery. But let’s face it. Raising cattle, and in fact all of agriculture, is really a people business. Time and again you will hear it’s the people, plus the animals, that make this a special way of life. So…
Last year saw major cattle/beef supply chain issues which resulted in very volatile slaughter cattle markets. Although processing levels recovered and exceeded a year ago in the second half of 2020, supply chain issues in the second quarter weighed on the market throughout the rest of the year as it took months to work through…
In the rugged mountains of Austria, we take a closer look at the majestic Highland, one of the oldest registered breeds of cattle in the world. Originating in the west of Scotland, the Highlander has a distinct look with its wavy hair, long horns, and red coat and is one of the most photographed breeds….
The world cattle inventory in 2017 is at 998.3 million head. The population of the world in 2017 is estimated at 7.4 billion people. The world’s cattle inventory per capita is .13 head. Uruguay has the most cattle per capita in the world followed by New Zealand & Argentina. Uruguay has 3.44 head of cattle…
When Heather Mundt sought an alternative to branding, a new livestock ear tag in development on the other side of the world opened the door for new management decision possibilities. Heather and her husband Brenton, who run a cow-calf operation and grain farm at Oyen, Alta., were interested in GPS ear tags for identification and…
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